

Rolf was born on the 10`th of August in 1971 as the youngest of two Brothers. He grew up in the little town of Årnes, just outside of Oslo. At an early age Rolf got interested in loud things such as hard rock and motors. Growing up he was an avid Kiss fan and more bands got added to the favourite list as he got older.

Another thing that soon caught Rolf`s attention was ice hockey. Not only as a spectator watching his favorite team the Dallas Stars on TV, but also active on the local ice hockey team. Rolf claimed that this was the only sport for real men and would laugh at the soccer fans etc...but with a glimmer in his eye. He got a kick out of messing with you and the laugh that followed became sort of a trademark.

As soon as Rolf got old enough he bought an American car. The town of Årnes is well known for having a big amount of classic American cars and Rolf soon followed suit. He got himself an Oldsmobile, a Jeep and a Chevy step side truck. It was during this time in his life that he gotto meet Nils, a Ford Mustang fan who also happened to own a Harley. Rolf started to tag along with Nils to the Speed Week event; which is an all Mustang event. The two of them also got to know Karl Erik on these trips, but that is another story. All of them were to wind up in the same club down the line. Nils was the one who go Rolf into Harleys. Nils told Rolf to sell his truck and buy a Harley instead, and Rolf was not hard to convince that this was a brilliant idea. Soon the two friends were riding side by side on their American made thunder machines and enjoying the hell out of it. The friendship turned into something more, they were Brothers!

The two Brothers soon got to know a small local bike club called Back Road MC. It wasn`t too long until both had started prospecting for the club. During this period they still did the Mustang Speed Week thing and got to know Karl Erik even better. Karl Erik lives close to the tracks where the events were held every year and soon they were hitting it off. They started visiting Karl Erik at home and then later in his club down in Kleivi, Hallingdal. The bike trips to Hallingdal got more frequent and it was obvious that something was to take off soon. The two Brothers got to meet another fellow during this period. A young cat named Raymond. Raymond had a Harley decal on his sportscar and for anyone who knew Rolf, that was something he could not let go. Soon he had challenged Raymond to get rid of the car and buy a bike...and Raymond did. The three of them became "the three Musketeers". One for all, all for one. Rolf and Nils patched out as full members of the Back Road MC and Raymond started prospecting. Raymond and Rolf logged an enormous number of miles on their bikes. All time off and vacations were spent on the road. Going on trip after trip...

"The three Musketeers" soon got their Brothers in Back Road to come with them on their trips to see the club they had become close friends with. The club was green and white, international and had two chapters in Norway. In 2003 they patched over to Wino`s Crew MC and Rolf knew what he wanted to do. He said to his Brothers Nils and Raymond that he had promised to stay in the same club as they, but he needed to become a Wino. If they would not follow him in his quest he would have to break that promise and leave to try his luck in Valdres, the second original Wino`s Crew chapter. He didn`t have to worry for long because that was an idea that both Raymond and Nils loved. Now how to convince the older members of the Back Road that this was the way to go? Well, to make a long story a little shorter, for those who knew Rolf know that he was stubborn as hell and if he set his mind to do something he did it, come hell or high water. After a while Rolf was elected President of the Back Road MC and Nils became his vice. The club soon applied for hangaround status and the all the trips and friendships they had started years before paid off. Soon they were an official hangaround club to the Wino`s Crew Motorcycle Club.

This is, as all real clubbers know a journey that takes quite some time. Rolf remained president during the whole hangaround and prospect period. During this time he also moved out of Oslo and bought a house close to his childhood home. It was about this time that Rolf became a trucker. Rolf loved his work. He was always a blue collar man. Proud to be a working got to have a job he said, everybody must earn his keep...there are no free rides...

He decided to step down as president of the Prospect Chapter Oslo in 2009 and let Toro take the reigns of the club. Just a few weeks after he stepped down the Oslo Chapter got their full status in May 2009. No one had a bigger smile than Rolf and he knew that what he had set as a goal was now a reality. He had sailed the Oslo Chapter ship into safe harbor and signed off as a Captain knowing he had a job well done.

As a strange twist of faith Rolf was to leave the Oslo Chapter down the line, but it was not a problem for "the three Musketeers". They wouldstill be in the same club.

Rolf had been on a visit to Valdres... and there was a girl.

After a little while he was travelling back and forth between Oslo and Valdres every weekend. Love can do that to a person and Rolf had found the only other thing he was searching for. He soon put in a request for a transfer to the Valdres chapter. He moved in with his new girl, Marit in her house and soon they had bought a cabin in the mountains as well. Rolf had come home. The small town boy gone big city turned country after all and brought all his stuff up to the mountains. The club life was like before only now he had been voted in as a Sgt at Arms in the Valdres chapter. As you can imagine there wasn`t much to do for Rolf. Nobody wanted to mess with the "Ironman". He kept that position until his passing a couple years later...

Who was this man really? The big fireplug of a man... I have heard him being referred to as a "big cozy spark plug" meaning that even though he had big heart and kind attitude, there was a temper inside as well. Something you`d hope not to see. Picking a fight with Rolf was like picking a fight with a bulldozer. You know you`d lose...and if he should have lost, he`d win. He was just too stubborn to lose...losing was never an option. I can`t help but think that I will never feel as safe again as I did when Rolf had my back. You cannot find any man more loyal to his friends than Rolf. He had a sense of honor that is really rare and he would do anything for a friend. He always had his Brothers` back

Rolf could never stand somebody being bad to other people, especially women, children ... animals. Rolf had a heart the size of Texas and even in heated discussions you could feel his love for you. Rolf was loved and respected by most people he met and for people who didn`t live with honor he had no time. Rolf was always the women`s protector and all the girls loved him. He was always on top of the situation and one eye was always looking out for the girls. He was always the first one to come hug everybody. When he gave you a friendly slapped the back, you would move two three steps out on the floor. He was a powerhouse and if he let it out...

The thing we will miss the most is his laughter, his smile and his humor. His way of making you feel you mattered, the way he cared and wanted the best for you. How he made you feel safe and confident in knowing he always had your back.... Hell we will even miss the way he always could make anything into a discussion, and never gave in. He would stick to his guns no matter what. But always with the glimmer in his eye and a laughter that followed...

Rolf was a family man. It is no secret that his older Brother Rune was his idol. He would always refer to his Brother as "the guy" for everything. You could see he had a swelling of pride in his chest every time he mentioned his brother. He also had a deep love for his whole family, but especially for Rune`s son, his nephew. I know for a fact that Rolf would happily have given his life for that boy if it had come to that. Family was everything! Both club family and blood family! Made no difference...

Finding Marit finally gave him a family of his own and his biggest ambition was to make Marit happy. He was always considering her welfare before deciding upon anything. She was his number one. During a wedding he got down on one knee and proposed to Marit which in turn happily accepted. The two were engaged. There was a lot of talk and planning about the marriage, but sadly enough his time ended before he could realize his last goal. He always said; "I had to move to Valdres....`cause...., you see I met the best girl there..."

As mentioned Rolf set his pride to being a working man and just gotten a new job when his time ended. Everything was about to fall in place. The couple were cruising to buy a new bigger house, the wedding plans, the club, the was about to get really good. Rolf had come home...

It was in the morning hours of Sunday the 23`rd of February we got the news. We had had a great night at the clubhouse with friends celebrating a birthday. Rolf could not attend as he was going to his mother in laws 70`th birthday on the same night. We tried reaching him on the phone on Saturday night, but we could not get an answer.. By that time, we were unaware that our Brother was lost.

Rolf died with his working gloves on and a smile on his face. He was cleaning the snow of his roof when his heart gave in and caused a massive heart attack. Even with fire and rescue just minutes away, ambulance helicopter and medics, they could not revive him. Rolf had left us...

You were a true Brother Rolf. You never left a doubt about your loyalty and your love for this club, its Brothers, Marit and your family back home. The good Lord somehow saw it fit to call you home just when we needed you the most. You were way too young to the saying goes "the good die young" and this is a perfect example of just that, Why Rolf, Why?  I know we will never get an answer to that question, but what we got is the memory of a sweet sweet man. A man with the biggest heart, the nicest smile and a Viking warrior spirit second to none!

As you travel to the next place of your journey, whether it may be Valhall or Biker heaven, know that you made us all proud of you, proud to call you a Brother and honored you chose us as your friends. You lived a life of honor, dignity and pride no one can do better!

Thank You for all the memories, for always being there through the good times and the bad and for leaving us richer for having known you Brother! We will never forget, and we will celebrate the good times we shared. We will honor your memory living the legacy and raising your glass in honor of you Brother! You leave a hole no one can fill.... Rest assured, your glass will always be full! Until we meet again Brother, watch over us....

Rest in Peace Brother

Rolf Tangen

August 10. 1971- February 22. 2014

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